Wednesday, 9 March 2016

the weather

The Weather

A. What's the weather like in your town or country? Read the words and write them in the correct column.

rainy                            hot                             dry
sunny                          warm                         cool
cloudy                         windy                        cold
wet                              humid                        snowy

B. Listen to these weather reports and check the weather for each city.

C. Listen again. Write the temperatures

                                                             low                high

1. Beijing                                           _______        _______

2. Mexico city                                    _______        _______

3. Tokio                                              _______        _______

4. New York                                       _______        _______

5. Taipei                                             _______        _______

D. These people are asking about the weather. What will they wear or take with them? Listen and check the correct picture

E. Listen again. Circle the answer that doesn't describe the weather now

a. It's raining
b. It's windy
c. It's cloudy

a. It's cloudy
b. It's nice
c. It's sunny

a. It's cold
b. It's warm
c. It's snowing

a. It's icy
b. It's nice
c. It's raining

a. It's humid
b. It's raining
c. It's hot

a. It's snowing
b. It's windy
c. It's cold

F. These people are talking about the weather. What is it like now?

It's warm
It's windy

It's windy
It's getting warmer

The sky is dark
It's sunny

It's windy
It's sunny

It's cold
It's really nice

It's raining
It's not raining

It's getting cooler
It's hot

It's raining
It's snowing

G. Listen again. Is the weather getting better or worse? Check the correct answer

1. better         worse
2. better         worse
3. better         worse
4. better         worse
5. better         worse
6. better         worse
7. better         worse
8. better         worse

Saint Ambrose Language School

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