What date is today?
Take a look at the names of the months in English. Do you know how to pronounce them?
A. Before you listen: match the dates on the left with the dates on the right.
1. 3 / 2 / 01 a. November first, nineteen ninety two
2. 6 / 11 / 99 b. May twentieth, nineteen ninety-fice
3. 11 / 1 / 92 c. March second, two thousand one
4. 5 / 20 / 95 d. February twenty-eighth, two thousand three
5. 2 / 28 / 03 e. June eleventh, nineteen ninety-nine
B. Listen to people talking to visitors. Write the date the visitors arrived and the date they are leaving
C. Don is checking messages on his voicemail. Listen and write the date and time of each event
D. Listen again. Are these statemente true or false?

1. The caller is confirming Don's appontment.
2. Sue will call Don later.
3. Don's aunt wil call him form the hotel.
4. Ted and Don are going to play tennis on Saturday.
5. Francis wants to meet Don in the office
6. The flight leaves from the airport in New Orleans
E. Listen to people talking about their birthdays. Have they had their birthdays yet this year?
1. Ted
2. Jill
3. Sue
4. Brian