What do you do?
A. Before you listen: what are the jobs in the pictures? Match the pictures with the list below
1. businessperson
2. nurse
3. taxi driver
4. chef
5. waitress
6. flight attendant
7. construction worker
8. teacher
B. People are talking about work. What job are they talking about? Listen and circle the correct answer.
a. salesperson
b. office worker
a. waiter
b. actor
a. teacher
b. flight attendant
a. chef
b. nurse
a. nurse
b. businessperson
a. receptionist
b. construction worker
C. Listen to people talking about their work. Check the correct information
D. Listen again. Match the people on the left with the information on the right.
1. Ted a. is a teacher
2. Sonia b. just graduated from college
3. Bob c. is trying to find a new job
4. Marie d. works in a bookstore
5. Suzanne e. works in a bank
6. Martha f. works in a restaurant
7. Fred g. is a receptionst
8. Sue h. is a lawyer
E. Listen to people talking about their jobs. Do they like their jobs?