Tuesday, 1 March 2016



A. Can you guess the price of these items in a typical american city?

B. Listen to these people asking about prices. Write the price of each item

C. Listen again did the person buy the item?

1. _____ yes      _____ no

2. _____ yes      _____ no

3. _____ yes      _____ no

4. _____ yes      _____ no

5. _____ yes      _____ no

6. _____ yes      _____ no

D. Listen to cashiers in a store. Write the total amount each person needs to pay and the amount of change each person receives 

E. Listen again. Check the two things each person bought. 

F. Listen to people talking about prices in the US and their own country. Check the correct answer

G. Listen again. Are these sentences true or false?

1. She doesn't own a car in the US
2. He lived in a nicer neighborhood at home than the one he lives now.
3. She bought a lot of clothes before she moved to the US.
4. She travels by plane a lot in the US
5. Public schools in his country are better than those in the US
6. Hospitals and clinics are expensive in his country.  

Saint Ambrose Language School

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