Tuesday, 1 March 2016



A. What do you like to do on the weekend?

B. People are talking about entertainment. Listen and number the pictures. 

C.  These people are calling friends about the weekend. Are these sentences true or false?

D. Listen again. Circle the correct answer for each question

1. When does Bob want to go to the movies?

a. on the weekend
b. on Friday morning
c. on Friday night

2. When is the party?

a. on Saturday night
b. the weekend after next
c. on Sunday night

3. When does Ken want to go out with Nancy?

a. on Friday morning
b. on Friday night
c. on the weekend

4. When is the game?

a. on Sunday night
b. on Sunday afternoon
c. on Saturday afternoon

5. When is the movie on TV?

a. Tuesday night
b. Thursdat night
c. tonight

E. Listen to these invitations. Does the person accept or refuse?

F. Listen again. What is each invitation for?

a. breakfast
b. dinner
c. coffee

a. a concert
b. a play
c. a movie

a. coffee
b. lunch
c. dinner

a. a party
b. dinner
c. a barbecue

a. tennnis
b. a drive
c. a trip

a. a walk
b. a party
c. shopping

Saint Ambrose Language School

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