The Family
A. Write the correct word next to each family member.
mother in law
1. My mother's sister is my ___________
2. My father's brother is my ___________
3. My parents' parents are my ___________
4. My uncle's son or daughter is my ___________
5. My brother or sister's son is my ___________
6. My brother or sister's daughter is my ___________
7. My husband or wife's mother is my ___________
8. My grandmother or grandfather's father is my ___________
B. People are talking about their families. Listen and number the pictures.
C. People are talking about their families. How many brothers and sisters do they have?
1. Stephany would like to have _____
a. brothers
b. sisters
c. cousins
2. Donna's brother is a _____
a. teacher
b. student
c. professor
3. Bob's sister _____ bosses him around.
a. never
b. sometimes
c. always
4. Rosie's friend would like to come from a _____ family.
a. small
b. big
c. medium-sized
5. Tina is _____ child.
a. an only
b. a lonely
c. one
E. People are talking about family members. Which family member is the speaker most similar to?
F. Listen again. How is every family member different from the speaker?
1. Weng Ping's brother ____ likes sports
2. Michael's brother ____ likes reading and music
3. Justin's sister ____ is taller than the father
4. Susan't father ____ prefers to play cards
5. Robert's sister ____ hates flying
6. Beth's father ____ isn't interested in music